Daily lives of an ordinary family, getting on with life, raising kids, living on a farm in the beautiful State of West Virginia. Kids, family, pets, livestock and gardens are just a few of the things we like having in our lives. Self sufficiency is one of our biggest interests. Visit us sometimes and see what we might be getting into here... on Horse Fork Farm!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our New Stove

Well, the days are getting chilly here and after much debating over brands and models, gadgets, air flows, fire box sizes, and other amenities, we've finally ordered the wood cook stove! There was really never any contest between the brands... I just fell in love with the Kitchen Queen immediately. Yes, I would have liked a flame view door, who doesn't like to look at all those toasty flames? But my practical nature wouldn't trade beauty for function. A new stove is a big investment these days, all that function doesn't come cheaply!  There were several options with this stove...two sizes, colors, water tanks and a coil, summer grate, warming oven.... what to choose? Well, we decided to forgo the mounted on back water reservoir,  the white enamel and the stainless coil.  We ordered the smaller 380 model, in black enamel, with a summer grate and the warming oven. Am I satisfied with those choices? I surely hope so!!!

There is a 3 week wait for delivery, we ordered on October the 14th, and we are anxiously awaiting the 4'th. Since I don't have it here yet to take pictures, I'm posting pics from their website. I love the fact that it will be here in time for me to fix Thanksgiving dinner on it, and Christmas too! Lets just pray I can get the hang of it quickly and not burn the turkey or serve it raw...lol! Nah... I think I can do this! Well, without further ado, here she is.... DUM DA DA DA DAAAA!!! THE KITCHEN QUEEN.

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