Daily lives of an ordinary family, getting on with life, raising kids, living on a farm in the beautiful State of West Virginia. Kids, family, pets, livestock and gardens are just a few of the things we like having in our lives. Self sufficiency is one of our biggest interests. Visit us sometimes and see what we might be getting into here... on Horse Fork Farm!

Monday, September 10, 2012


So...  I have this pantry in my house that is approximately 8x10 ft. When Eric first made it I thought it was absolutely huge!
So in went the chest freezer, a cabinet, 2 HUGE rolling industrial shelving units and... AND... suddenly my lovely, spacious pantry was not as spacious as I thought! I rearranged. I organized. I CRAMMED... one day when I couldn't even find a cake mix I actually cried, lol. Well... what to do? Let me just say that when you need a visual idea to work with, Pinterest is your friend. The only problem there is that to find what you need you have to be able to describe it! I searched the words "pantry, shelving, space saving, food storage etc...". I got lots of great ideas, but none that were a match for what I needed. In the end, after much frustration, I literally stumbled across this solution on one of the Homesteading forums I frequent. So while I can't claim the design rights to this shelf, I can copy the heck out of it!!! lol   This is the first one we built a few weeks ago, Fully loaded it holds over 800 cans! WOWSERS! We are planning another one for odd sized cans such as Coffee etc... I must say that this shelf makes finding the right can so easy. I never have to stand on my head anymore to find something lost in the back of the very bottom shelf.... a very good thing indeed. I hope if you need that extra space in YOUR  pantry that you see this shelf and have your own "AHA"!!!! moment like I did. (Please excuse my typos' it's 1:30 AM)


  1. Forgot to add:
    You add new cans at the back of this shelf, that way you are constantly rotating out your older stock. It doesn't show well, but the front edges are 4 inches lower than the back edges so each time you take a can, the next rolls down...

  2. Dooley and I love the design! This would work great in our little cabin. Thanks.
